Cold Water Therapy & Breathwork


At The Soul School, we're dedicated to holistic wellness practices that nourish both the body and the spirit. We're excited to introduce you to the transformative benefits of cold water therapy and breathwork, facilitated by Lindsay Dunphy, a skilled facilitator and the founder of Khione Wellness.

Discover the Power of Cold Water Therapy

Boosted Immunity: Helps your body fight infections by increasing white blood cells and activating immune responses.

Improved Circulation: Stimulates blood flow for better cardiovascular health and reduced inflammation.

Enhanced Mental Clarity: Cold water triggers the release of adrenaline and endorphins, boosting alertness and reducing stress.

Accelerated Recovery: Aids muscle recovery post-workout by reducing inflammation and soreness.


Group and Personal Sessions:

Join Lindsay for our virtual group plunge and breathwork sessions offered through The Soul School. These sessions provide a supportive environment for participants to explore the benefits of cold water therapy and breathwork from the comfort of their own homes.

For those seeking a more immersive experience, Lindsay also offers personalized in-person or virtual sessions tailored to individuals, retreats, couples, and diverse groups seeking growth and healing in various aspects of their lives.

Join the Community

Whether you're looking to enhance your mental clarity, reduce inflammation, or simply deepen your connection with yourself, The Soul School and Khione Wellness are here to support you on your wellness journey.

Join us as we dive into the healing waters of cold water therapy and breathwork, and discover the power of intentional living.

Ready to experience the invigorating benefits of cold water therapy for yourself? Join us for our Cold Plunge & Breathwork sessions led by Cait and Lindsay, and discover a new dimension of holistic wellness.

Sign up for our waitlist below to receive exclusive updates on session times, pricing, and more. Be the first to know when new sessions become available and take the next step towards prioritizing your wellness journey.